Planning Series (Part 8 of 12) - What Is an ILIT?

Written By:
Zachary J. Montgomery
Published On: 
May 23, 2023

Welcome to Part 8 of our Planning for the Future Series. In this installment, we will describe a powerful planning tool: the irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT). If you seek to protect and maximize the benefits of your life insurance policy while minimizing estate taxes, an ILIT can offer an effective solution. Understanding the purpose, advantages, and considerations of irrevocable life insurance trusts in Texas is essential for strategic planning. Let's address ILITs and discover how they can help secure your loved ones' financial future while preserving your wealth.

What is an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust?

An irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) is a legal entity established to hold a life insurance policy outside of your taxable estate. By placing the life insurance policy within the trust, the proceeds can be managed and distributed according to your wishes, providing financial security to your beneficiaries and potentially reducing estate taxes.

Benefits of an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust

An ILIT offers several advantages, including:

  1. Estate Tax Reduction: Placing life insurance policies within an ILIT removes them from your taxable estate, potentially reducing estate taxes upon your passing.
  2. Asset Protection: Assets held within an ILIT are shielded from creditors, providing an additional layer of protection for your beneficiaries.
  3. Control and Distribution: Through the ILIT, you can specify how the life insurance proceeds will be distributed to your beneficiaries, ensuring your wishes are carried out.
  4. Privacy: Unlike assets passing through a will, ILITs can maintain privacy as they are not subject to the probate process.

Establishing an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust

Creating an ILIT involves the following steps:

  1. Selecting a Trustee: Choose a trustee who will manage the trust and administer its provisions. This could be an individual or a corporate trustee.
  2. Drafting the Trust Agreement: Work with an experienced estate planning attorney to create a comprehensive trust agreement that outlines the terms, beneficiaries, and distribution instructions of the ILIT.
  3. Transferring Life Insurance Policies: Transfer ownership of existing life insurance policies to the ILIT or acquire new policies directly within the trust.
  4. Funding the Trust: Make contributions to the trust to cover premiums and ensure the trust has sufficient funds to maintain the life insurance policies.

Considerations for Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts

Before establishing an ILIT, consider the following:

  1. Irrevocability: Once the ILIT is established, it becomes difficult to modify or revoke. Ensure that you are comfortable with the permanence of this arrangement.
  2. Gift Tax Implications: Funding the ILIT may involve gift tax considerations, as contributions to the trust are treated as taxable gifts. Consult with a tax professional to understand the potential implications.
  3. Insurance Premiums: Plan for the ongoing funding of the ILIT to cover life insurance premiums and ensure the policies remain in force.

Working with Professionals

Establishing an ILIT requires collaboration with an experienced estate planning attorney and may involve consultation with a financial advisor and insurance specialist. Their expertise will ensure compliance with Texas laws, maximize the benefits of the trust, and align your ILIT with your overall estate planning goals.


In this eighth part of our Planning for the Future Series, we have explored the concept of irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILITs) in Texas estate planning. By establishing an ILIT, you can effectively protect your life insurance policy proceeds, potentially reduce estate taxes, and provide lasting financial security for your loved ones. In Part 9 of the Planning for the Future Series, we will address the following question: What does funding a trust mean?

Please note that this blog post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. If you require assistance with Texas estate planning, consult with a qualified estate planning attorney to ensure compliance with applicable laws and protect your interests.

Make an appointment for a free consultation to speak with the Provident Financial Planning team of Certified Financial Planner™ and JD/CPA tax experts, so we can advise you on how to implement an investment, tax, and legacy strategy that is tailored to you.

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In His Name,

Zachary J. Montgomery, JD, CPA, CFE

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Written By:
Zachary J. Montgomery
Published On: 
May 23, 2023
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